
Jesus’ last words: A Contradiction?

  An image circulating on social media says Jesus’s last words are a contradiction. John 19:30 says “It is finished”. Luke 23:46 says “Father into your hands I commend my spirit”. Matthew 27:46-50 “My God why have you forsaken me”. Some people believe that these words, followed by the phrase “he gave up the ghost” simply mean that he died seconds after each word as stated by each evangelist, but this is not derived from the text, the text does not say that as soon as Jesus said these words, he died, having not uttered other words. Only John was present when Jesus died, and his death was attended by a complete eclipse of the sun. So, the other writers (Matthew and Luke) are borrowing from eyewitnesses. Jesus’s final words should not be seen as a stumbling block in the gospel because all three authors confirm that Jesus was crucified, died, and rose again after three days. The timing of his death does not take away from these central truths that make up the gospel. Supp...

World without Mind book Review


"Doing Philosophy" - Timothy Williamson (Book Review)

Doing Philosophy Book Review Timothy Williamson is a highly decorated Philosophy lecturer and in this tiny volume he covers the whole scope of philosophy as he understands it. His abridged CV is 37 pages long. Links are available here 1 Williamson seeks to highlight that philosophy is already familiar with us and asks us to move from unguided intuition into a polished craft. He argues that scientists like Galileo and Newton did not view themselves as scientists but as natural philosophers, Newton sought to find Gods character in nature and ended up in a scientific realm. Williamson simply takes us on a tour in Philosophy and shows us how it should be done for maximum impact 2 Common sense is philosophy’s starting point and as thinkers work through scenarios common sense is not lagging too far behind, common sense is an acrobat’s pole for kee...

Yes or No?

Yes or No?

Should we celebrate Christmas?

Memorial God instructed Jews to mark a milestone with twelve stones when they cross the river Jordan Joshua 4. Purim 14 th day of the month of Adar, got relief from their enemies, turning sorrow into gladness, sending gifts and food to one another Esther 9:20-21 John chapter five hints that Jesus attended a feast of Purim, what the feast was is a matter of debate. The Jews celebrated the feast of Purim that God did not command, this was not a sin, a group of people and their children celebrated a milestone of being saved from a genocide, their lives, a blessing on its own were spared from certain death. Synagogue A synagogue was attended by Jesus and the Apostles, sometimes synagogue gathers people for evil/hostile intentions (Psalm 21:17) (Truth or Tradition, 2012) . The origins of the synagogue are obscure, but it seems they began in Exile  (Truth or Tradition, 2012) . If the synagogues were observed by Jesus himself, those who say Christmas must not be ...

Why Seminary? Part 1


Why go to seminary?

Why go to Seminary? Zanele Arlington Jiane 2018 April 19 "I have seen a limit to all perfection, but your commandment is exceedingly broad." Psalm 119:96 Many brothers and sisters in the Lord often ask when I reveal I am studying Theology; "What is the point of a seminary education when we have the Holy Spirit who is our teacher?" The answer is simple. The Holy Spirit works through the word of God. The Holy Spirit superintended the writing of the Bible (2 Peter 1:21), and the church’s witness to the canon of scripture.  Our professed belief in the Holy Spirit must reflect these facts. Private scriptural interpretations are a misnomer in light of 2 Peter 1:21. No one should claim private revelation apart from the Word. Jesus’ Great Commission prompts his disciples to “teach them to obey all I have commanded you” (Matthew 18:16-20). These broad commandments cannot be grasped in light of this verse but must be learned nonetheless. Seminary affords a st...