Should we celebrate Christmas?
Memorial God instructed Jews to mark a milestone with twelve stones when they cross the river Jordan Joshua 4. Purim 14 th day of the month of Adar, got relief from their enemies, turning sorrow into gladness, sending gifts and food to one another Esther 9:20-21 John chapter five hints that Jesus attended a feast of Purim, what the feast was is a matter of debate. The Jews celebrated the feast of Purim that God did not command, this was not a sin, a group of people and their children celebrated a milestone of being saved from a genocide, their lives, a blessing on its own were spared from certain death. Synagogue A synagogue was attended by Jesus and the Apostles, sometimes synagogue gathers people for evil/hostile intentions (Psalm 21:17) (Truth or Tradition, 2012) . The origins of the synagogue are obscure, but it seems they began in Exile (Truth or Tradition, 2012) . If the synagogues were observed by Jesus himself, those who say Christmas must not be ...